Company plans to show lawsuit is meritless

Mar 12, 2010 08:19 GMT  ·  By
Online investment company E-Trade says “milkaholic Lindsay” is not Lindsay Lohan, despite the claims of a recent lawsuit
   Online investment company E-Trade says “milkaholic Lindsay” is not Lindsay Lohan, despite the claims of a recent lawsuit

The other day, a legal representative for Lindsay Lohan confirmed for the media that the actress had filed a lawsuit against E-Trade over the 30-second commercial it premiered at the Super Bowl. In response to the claims made in court documents, the company says the lawsuit is meritless and it will do its best to prove it’s so, as TMZ has learned.

The ad in question shows one baby boy talking with his baby girlfriend over chat. She’s asking him where he was the other night and he starts explaining – only to be interrupted at some point with the very direct question, “Was that milkaholic Lindsay there too?” Another baby girl pops in the conversation, slurring the words “milka-what?” Lindsay Lohan is convinced that the third baby is actually a parody of her life and she’s suing E-Trade for $100 million over the alleged likeness.

As word of the lawsuit got out in the media and was then confirmed by one of Lohan’s attorneys, the company kept mum. Until now. “E*TRADE is firing back at Lindsay Lohan’s claims that the online investment company ripped-off her name and likeness in its ‘Lindsay is a milkoholic’ commercial. E*TRADE issued the following statement to TMZ – ‘We believe the claims are without merit and we intend to defend ourselves vigorously in this case’.” TMZ writes after finally managing to make contact with the company.

“The investment company says its commercial was meant to be ‘witty and memorable.’ The commercial features a baby named Lindsay – who gets accused of being the ‘milkaholic’ other woman in a baby love triangle,” the same media outlet further explains. The only problem is, according to camp Lohan, that the company chose to make a “witty and memorable” ad at Lindsay’s expense, virtually calling her out for being what one may call a cheap flirt and a drunk.

The argument on which the Lohan camp based the lawsuit was that there were a handful of female stars out there who were easily identifiable by their first name only. Lindsay, it would seem, is one of them because it’s enough to say her name and her image immediately pops up in one’s mind. Just like with Cher and Madonna, her attorney was saying the other day.