Following in the footsteps of Spore, Dragon Age will tease people with its future characters

Oct 5, 2009 09:10 GMT  ·  By

Before Spore came out on the market, the gaming community got a taste of what the little bundles of wonder would look like through the Spore Creature Creator. The side application got almost more hype than the game itself, with the bizarre and downright ridiculous creations shocking the world times over. BioWare seems to have really liked what the Creature Creator did for Spore so it plans to try the same thing with its Dragon Age: Origins.

The editor will become available three weeks ahead of the full game and will allow players to get a taste of what their characters will have to work with. And obviously, what they'll look like. "What we have managed to do is get the awesome BioWare dev dudes/dudettes to break off the Dragon Age: Origins Character Creator from the main game so you can download it as a separate application to your PC," wrote community coordinator Chris Priestly on the official forums.

"Once you have downloaded and installed the Dragon Age: Origins Character Creator you will be able to "pre-create" characters for use in the PC version at launch." The sheer amount of anticipation that this will create could drive people bonkers. To have your character all ready and tweaked to your exact specifications and not be able to actually play it is just torture. People will buy the game just to end their misery. Lucky for them, it will probably turn out to be an amazing game. BioWare's move is more of a psychological one than a pure marketing scheme. The game will come to end gamers suffering of having their character stare them in the face and not being able to do anything about it. Like a dose to fill an addiction and bring relief, everyone will be thrilled to have the game come out and will rush to purchase it.

The Character Creator won't be coming completely alone though, and a beta for the game community will be launched on the same date. The creator will be a 320MB download and will be a PC exclusive. Until they can really put it to good use, the beta participants will be able to use their characters as avatars for the forum. The creator will be ready and available for download on October 13.