Jun 25, 2011 11:01 GMT  ·  By

The second release candidate for WordPress 3.2 is out, less than two weeks after the previous one. WordPress 3.2 RC2 brings more fixes for the new default theme, Twenty Eleven, as well as additional fixes and tweaks.

"The second release candidate for WordPress 3.2 is now available. If you haven’t tested WordPress 3.2 yet, now is the time — please though, not on your live site unless you’re extra adventurous," WordPress developer Andrew Nacin announced.

"We’ve handled a number of issues since RC1, including additional Twenty Eleven tweaks, a new theme support option for defaulting to randomized headers, and various RTL fixes," he added.

WordPress 3.2 comes with several new features as well as improved ones. The central goal was speed, so WordPress 3.2 should feel faster than previous releases considering that optimization work has been done in plenty of areas.

WordPress 3.2 also introduces a slightly refreshed dashboard, with a new layout and some tweaks designed to make it feel fresher and provide more functionality, for example by fitting more items in the same menu space.

The upcoming release also features a new distraction-free, full-screen writer designed to enable users to concentrate on their words and nothing else. The new full-screen editor has already been rolled out on WordPress.com as has the refreshed dashboard.

A new default theme is being prepared for WordPress 3.2, dubbed Twenty Eleven, marking its yearly status, and based on the existing Duster theme. The team is currently working on polishing Twenty Eleven, to make sure that it's the best example of how a WordPress theme should be written and work like.

WordPress.org wanted to have the latest update out by the end of the June, which may yet happen though the announcement doesn't provide any new details on this.

Even though it's the second release candidate, it's probably not a great idea to upgrade your blog to WordPress 3.2 RC2 just yet, unless you're feeling rather adventurous.

WordPress 3.2 RC2 is available for download here.