All sorts of improvements are now live for the RPG

Jun 9, 2015 17:54 GMT  ·  By

After a bit of waiting, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt patch 1.04 is now available for download worldwide across the PS4 and Xbox One platforms. A big changelog detailing the actual bug fixes and improvements in the patch is also available.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt launched across PC, PS4, and Xbox One platforms worldwide on May 19. Its debut was accompanied by two day-one updates from CD Projekt Red, designed to fix glitches its team spotted since the game was completed, as well as a few other problems.

All sorts of updates have appeared

Since then, quite a few more updates appeared, in order to resolve issues reported by actual players who started spending more and more time with the sprawling role-playing game.

Last week, The Witcher 3 on the PC platform got its long awaited update 1.05, which solved a variety of essential problems, like the no XP glitch that didn't offer fans any experience when completing story quests.

At the same time, patch 1.04 made its debut for the PS4 in Europe and North America. CD Projekt Red revealed that the Xbox One version of the update, as well as the PS4 edition for other parts of the world, are still in certification with Microsoft and Sony's regional divisions.

Patch 1.04 is available on PS4 and Xbox One worldwide

Now, after a few days of waiting, CD Projekt Red confirms on its forums that patch 1.04 for The Wither 3: Wild Hunt is available for download worldwide on the PS4 and Xbox One platforms.

Alongside this confirmation, a huge changelog detailing just what improvements and bug fixes are included in the update is also available, which you can admire below.

While quite a lot of enhancements are shared with the PC patch 1.05 for The Witcher 3, there are plenty of improvements just for the PS4 or Xbox One versions of the RPG, so make sure you pay attention.

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