Efficiently manage your iPod or Motorola mobile phone

May 11, 2009 10:55 GMT  ·  By

Floola, the free application designed to efficiently manage your iPod and / or Motorola phone, has just received a maintenance update. Floola supports commonly used iPod features, including artwork, podcasts and smart playlists, and works on any Windows (98 and above), any Mac, and any Linux distribution with GTK installed.

According to the release notes, Floola 5.1 Beta adds, “several major changes since 5.0 focused mainly on improving performances.” Floola has recently added a new option that allows considering a track as played when 50% of it has been listened. The 4.9 update also resolved an issue where playback settings were not saved. Another fix now makes the player resume playback position when necessary. Artwork was not saved to files when selected to do so in preferences, according to the app's makers. Floola 4.9 fixed this problem as well. Lastly, an issue when changing the main listbox columns visibility was also resolved.

Version 5.0 included changes such as: better item list sorting (including in playlists); the ability to edit the season and episode numbers of TV shows; improved png artwork support in mp3 files; the ability to mark/unmark all episodes in a podcast as unlistened; resizable main listbox columns when browsing playlists; improved compatibility with iTunes artwork database; iTunes 8.1 compatibility, and more.

You can use Floola to copy almost any file to an iPod or Motorola phone. By just entering the page URL, Floola can add YouTube or MySpace content to your device. If you have any duplicate songs, it can find them for you! The software is also able to convert audio or video incompatible with the iPod and it even makes it possible to keep your Google calendars in sync. Other cool features include: lyric support (even on older iPods); search for duplicates or lost files; easily add artwork to your songs; add videos; add photos; convert audio and video incompatible formats; export to HTML; fix a failed software update; manage notes; growl support.

Download Floola (Free)