iPod watch out!

Nov 27, 2006 10:28 GMT  ·  By

Many of you are probably PSP owners and you probably use it for playing video games. I don't know if many of you realize that the PSP has other functions, namely that it can play music and videos. Until now, you had to connect your PSP to a PC in order to store some data on it, but not anymore as EMI Music UK has decided to do something about it.

EMI has launched a new service that allows you to download EMI music content straight on your PSP, via the EMI online store. Taking into account that the PSP market is huge, EMI officials have decided to make available their entire music library to psp-playlist.com users. This service will not be free, of course, as you can download content on your PSP memory stick for a price ranging between GBP 1.89 and GBP 2.19.

HiFi Entertainment MD Bela Molnar, admits that their PSP performance has been disappointing up to this moment, but hopes that this new service will revive interest in Sony's handheld, according to Gamesindustry.biz.

This may seem as a reply to the Nintendo mps3 player, which was recently announced and is due to come out on December 8. The everlasting fight between Sony and Nintendo is leaving its mark on the portable console market too, much to the delight on consumers, who only have to gain from this competition. In fact, you could say that this new PSP service will also compete with the iPod. If the PSP becomes more music-friendly, it will surely make people forget the iPod. Think of it this way: PSP = video games+ music and videos, while the iPod = music and videos. Which has the upper hand now?