May 14, 2011 17:44 GMT  ·  By

Google has released a new version of its Chrome web browser for all supported platforms, including Mac OS X. The updated Beta build contains user interface changes and fixes that enhance the browser’s performance.

Announced by Jason Kersey of the Google Chrome development team, Chrome 12.0.742.53 is available for Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux.

“The Chrome Beta channel has been updated to 12.0.742.53 for all platforms,” writes Kersey.

“This release contains a number of UI tweaks and performance fixes,” the blogger notes.

The Google staffer directs fans of the open source web browser to the full list of changes available in the SVN revision log. As usual, testers are encouraged to report any bugs they may find.

Earlier this week, Softpedia reported that Google was treating customers to a free version of the popular Angry Birds game via its Chrome web store.

The game is compatible with Beta builds of Chrome and features a special level-pack containing Chrome-themed stages.

However, as we showed in a follow-up report, the web-based game is not necessarily bound to Google’s web browser.

To use Google Chrome on a Macintosh computer, users need at least 100MB of free space, 128MB of accessible RAM memory, and an Intel-based processor.

Softpedia readers can download all versions of Chrome for Mac OS X (Stable, Beta, Dev) immediately using the link below.

Download Google Chrome for Mac OS X (Free) Chrome boasts a release system with three distinct channels: Stable, Beta, and Developer preview, called the "Dev" channel.

The Stable channel is updated with features and fixes only after they are thoroughly tested in the Beta channel.

The latest Stable version of Chrome features new security fixes and an updated Flash Player plugin.

Alhtough mostly focused on security, the updated Flash also comes with enhancements for privacy protection, as well as new functionality for business environments.