Enabling you to choose what files to sync

May 28, 2010 10:10 GMT  ·  By

Dropbox has proven a very popular cross-platform file syncing service. Its simplicity has enabled it to stand out from the crowd and the swiftness with which it adopts new platforms and devices, having recently been made available for Android and iPad devices, has also made it universal. And things are getting better, an upcoming version brings one of the most requested features, the possibility to selectively synchronize the files in the cloud with a particular device has been introduced in the new Dropbox 0.8.64.

“Selective sync allows you to choose the folders you want synced to your computer. Selective Sync gives you the ability to have more control over what is synced to your devices through the Dropbox Desktop Application,” Dropbox explains the new feature. “Use selective sync to ensure the files and folders you need sync to your hard drive. It is particularly useful for users with limited hard drive space on one of the computers or netbooks synced to their Dropbox account.”

The Selective sync is being made available in a preview release before it’s declared stable. While the stable version is still at Dropbox 0.7.110 (0.6.571 on Linux), the current experimental release has pushed forward with Dropbox 0.8.64. There are several changes, especially to the Preferences dialog, which features more options.

Under the Advanced tab of the Preferences dialog, you’ll see the new Selective Sync button. It enables you to uncheck the folders that you don’t want to sync with a particular machine. There are plenty of reasons why you’d want to do this, not just out of lack of space. Some files you sync with your laptop you might not want to sync with your work computer and the other way around. Selective sync is now included in Dropbox 0.8.64 available for Windows, Mac and Linux. It’s an experimental release, more so than a plain beta, so keep that in mind if you plan to install it.

Dropbox 0.8.64 for Windows is available for download here. Dropbox 0.8.64 for Mac is available for download here. Dropbox 0.8.64 for Linux is available for download here.