Don't laugh, this is how people become killers/psychos

Jul 31, 2007 09:10 GMT  ·  By

Looking at this video that one of my colleagues 'provided' me with, I realized that what goes on there isn't far from the truth really. Doesn't it hurt (and when I say hurt, I mean literally HURT) when others join forces against you? Why do gamers do this (and especially PC gamers)?

Isn't it true that you feel like such a lowlife, that you start thinking:

- they did the same to me in school, I'll never be one of those guys - I'm the mockery of every server, yet I continuously join games hoping to kick some ass... yet I never do - I always change my name so that it sounds fierce, yet every time I get my ass kicked I read it and it sounds dorky...

...and you're basically on the verge of going nuts, wanting to find out where those a**holes live and go hit 'em with a bat. You see how easy a killer is born? Some may read this piece and say: "what's this idiot talking about, there's no way a video game could transform kids into psychos, it's all about education!" Oh yeah? Remember the mother claiming her son became a killer because of Manhunt? That wasn't a rumor, or a joke you know. Nor was it one of Jack Thompson's crusades. It actually happened. A guy stabbed a nurse in cold blood, when she was on her cigarette break, in the same manner as he used to do it in Manhunt on his PS2.

It doesn't matter what tools you use to "push someone's buttons," the result is fairly similar if one is persecuted. And above all (I almost forgot) PC gamers are much more arrogant than console gamers, have you noticed? GameSpy wrote a piece once on the fight between joystick adepts and mouse-and-keyboard fans. The site commented ironically at the time I came across the article:

"You believe that only chumps play first-person shooters with a gamepad. In your eyes nothing matches the precision of the good old keyboard and mouse combo. No other control scheme comes close and you fully believe that with your keyboard and mouse setup you can easily best any console gamer in any first-person shooter."

Really now, is it too much to just play the game fair and square? I guess it is. Nothing beats messing someone's game up, especially when that someone is miles away and can't reach you. But you know what? This video shows exactly why they like persecuting others - they actually see the guy (in their heads) in front of his PC, bleeding from his nostrils and mouth...

The video is only a joke, but many will see this with different eyes and go to their PC just as soon as they've finished reading this article, to tell a couple of friends to go for a few rounds online, only so he/she (who knows) can do the same.