Jan 14, 2011 11:25 GMT  ·  By

Given the fact that eBook readers and eBook reading applications have become pretty much commonplace these days, it should come as no surprise that quite a few people are seriously considering digitizing the books that make up their own, personal collections, and that's exactly where the new Book Saver Book Scanner from ION Audio comes into play.

For all intends and purposes, the device offers pretty much the same end-result as the numerous online bookstores, namely that of offering users their favorite titles right on their eBook readers, in a compatible format, but, of course, there are also a couple of differences.

Given the fact that this thing has a fairly affordable price point (around 150 US dollars) it should come as no surprise that its use requires some “physical effort”, meaning that users will actually have to turn the pages themselves.

The Book Saver has an angled cradle, designed to hold the book in such a manner as to allow its pages to stay flat at all times, as well as two cameras that take separate images in rapid succession of each page.

In fact, ION audio claims that the device's speed is truly noteworthy, one second per two pages, a full book taking around 15 minutes to digitize.

Both cameras come equipped with flash modules, in order to provide an optimum level of lighting during the scanning process, the resulting books in digital format being stored onto SD cards, from where they can be easily transferred to a computer or even directly to an eBook reader.

Unfortunately, as you've been able to see up until now, ION Audio has not been particularly generous as far as the actual technical specs are concerned, but it's likely that we'll find out more details on this topic when the Book Saver Book Scanner from ION Audio will make it to the market, at some point in June 2011, according to various online sources.