Oct 25, 2010 09:07 GMT  ·  By

At the official BlizzCon event Jay Wilson, who is the game director working on the upcoming Diablo III, has talked about the work his team is doing on the new hack and slash title, saying that the game is “way over half-way done.”

Wilson was speaking at the Diablo III and World of Warcraft press conference, saying that “We’re not really close until you’re playing it” but has refused to officially talk about a launch window for the game, which some have been expecting to arrive this year.

Still there are signs that Blizzard is making progress when it comes to Diablo III with a beta stage aimed at the friends and family of the developers officially announced.

If this stage goes well then Blizzard could then move on to a closed beta period and then to an open one, during which interested fans could have a chance to experience what the game has to offer while also delivering some feedback about the features of the new game.

Considering that slow pace of Blizzard development and the impact that betas could have we will probably get an official launch date for Diablo III at the BlizzCon that takes place next year.

Jay Wilson has said that the game is currently not feature complete but that there's a lot of content that the team has created and is proud of.

Sections of Diablo III have been playable for some time and I personally got some time with it at the Gamescom event in August.

The game seems instantly familiar to all those who have played the first or second installment in the series and the action is as smooth and engaging as ever.

The five classes for the game have been confirmed as being: the Barbarian, the Witch Doctor, the Wizard, the Monk and the Demon Hunter.