Oct 25, 2010 07:31 GMT  ·  By

Diablo III, one of the most anticipates role playing games in quite some time, will get a beta stage in the near future, fact confirmed by Blizzard, its developer and publisher.

Diablo III has been a long time coming, with Blizzard taking its time on developing the next generation dungeon crawler, the followup to the extremely successful Diablo I and II, as well as their own expansions.

News finally began to trickle in a few years ago, with the company slowly unveiling the new character classes that will be available in the game.

We saw the fifth and final character, the Demon Hunter, revealed this weekend, as well as the news that a beta stage will be revealed before the game's release, whenever that might finally occur.

According to Blizzard, a beta stage will be revealed, but it will stay closed for a certain amount of time, probably between special games testers and Blizzard employees.

Reports say that if it all goes smoothly, the beta stage will be made public, like the one that was held for the StarCraft II real time strategy title, which was launched earlier this year.

Still, don't expect Diablo III anytime soon, as Blizzard still hasn't committed itself to a concrete release date, and, like we've seen with StarCraft II, which was set to arrive around the end of 2009 but reached the market in the middle of 2010, the company isn't afraid of delaying titles until they are extremely polished.

Up until now Diablo III has seen all of its five character classes revealed, including the the Barbarian, the Witch Doctor, the Wizard, the Monk, and the most recent Demon Hunter.

Besides all these classes, which will have their own types of attributes, the game will feature non playable characters like artisans, which will craft items as well as sell or repair the equipment of the player.