Actress teases about new season, says a big reveal may be in the works

Jun 13, 2011 13:34 GMT  ·  By
Jennifer Carpenter says Deb will most likely find out about Dexter in season 6 of “Dexter”
   Jennifer Carpenter says Deb will most likely find out about Dexter in season 6 of “Dexter”

Season 5 of Showtime’s “Dexter” series ended with a cliffhanger, with Deborah right next to the curtain separating her from her killer brother. She didn’t pull the curtain to see who it was, but chances are the secret will be revealed in season 6, Jennifer Carpenter, who plays Deb, says in a new interview.

Fans probably knew this was coming, since it would be only the next natural evolution for the character – and the series.

Carpenter too sees it that way, and she’s convinced that the writers will make the discovery as believable as possible, she says in a recent interview cited by Oh No They Didn’t.

“Would I be okay with it if I found out Dexter was a serial killer? I don’t know. I’m glad it’s not up to me. I feel that that decision is in the writers’ capable hands and they will justify it, and it will be the hardest thing I’ve ever played but I look forward to doing it,” the actress says.

“Is there room for it? Certainly. My instinct today is she would put her handcuffs on him. But it changes from day to day,” she adds.

As for how she explains to herself why Deb never as much as hinted about Dexter’s nightly occupation when she is one of the most competent cops on the Miami force, Jennifer believes it’s the fact that she’s related to Dex that made her not question him in any way so far.

“I feel like because Dexter is her only connection to her past she doesn’t look too closely. And it's always the wife or the parents with the son living in the basement – the people who were closest to the person doing the horrible things – who are in the dark,” Carpenter says.

“There are plenty of distractions going on in that [police] office to keep me focused on something else. I think she has all the pieces but she wouldn’t dare put them together. Yet. This season I don’t know if [this is] going to be enough for me anymore,” she adds.

As fans must already know, “Dexter” tells the story of Dexter Morgan, a blood spatter analyst with the Miami PD who moonlights as a serial killer of serial killers who escape justice.

Deb, his sister (Dexter was adopted by her parents), is a cop on the force, yet she’s the only one who still hasn’t figured it out what the deal is with her brother.

Season 6 of “Dexter” premieres this fall. Keep an eye on this space for more details on it.