Suits for all those interested

Oct 15, 2008 23:21 GMT  ·  By

Electronic Arts is really trying to do something new with Dead Space, its survival horror shooter which is supposed to arrive this week. Even if the game is practically not out yet, the publisher, eager to push its new intellectual property, has already offered two new suits for the game protagonist on the Xbox 360.

The first one is called the Elite Suit and white and glowing green are a clear indication that the suit is designed as a tribute to the Microsoft made gaming console. Major Nelson, one of the most reputed news sources for the console, says that the item will only be free for a little while and that it will probably cost Microsoft Points at launch. The suit is level five and there are extra inventory slots on it; it is tougher than the normal suit of the protagonist.

There's another suit called the Scorpion, which is also level five and offers enhanced armor options and fully unlocked slots. The name suggests that the color is red. The price of the suit is 200 Microsoft Points, which is about 3 dollars.

It will be interesting to see whether the PlayStation Network will also get suits as launch day downloadable content or only Xbox 360 players will get access to these goodies.

Dead Space, which was promoted through a comic book that's available online and through an animation short movie as well, is set to create a deep experience, as the player tries to find out what happened on the mining ship Ishimura. The game boasts several innovations, like zero G sequences, where you will use magnetic boots, and enemies which have to be dismembered in order to be killed. The game will be available for the Xbox 360, the PlayStation 3 and the PC.