Multiple subdomains have been defaced to host a protest message against Israel

Jan 7, 2013 16:18 GMT  ·  By

Maxn3y of the Turkish Ajan Hacker Group has managed to breach and deface the Slovakian and the Czech websites of Japanese electronics manufacturer Panasonic. At the time of writing, some of the affected subdomains still host the defacement pages.

CWN reports that a total of 9 Panasonic Czech Republic subdomains, and 3 related sites have been defaced. In addition, the press subdomain of Panasonic Slovakia suffered the same fate.

The hacker has taken this opportunity to once again display his protest message against Israel.

“Hearts a petrified Monster Israeli Zionists. You will find us in the face of all the games you've played,” he wrote on the defaced pages.

The sites are managed by Panasonic Marketing Europe so it’s possible that they are both hosted on the same server.

In late December, the hacker defaced the Bulgarian websites of car manufacturer Renault and its subsidiary Dacia.