Crytek says it's going to happen as long as the PC version is well received

Oct 9, 2007 07:28 GMT  ·  By

There is pretty good indication on the Internet these days that Crysis, the upcoming FPS from German developer Crytek, is heading towards next-gen consoles too. How good of an indication? Well, if we told you that it was in fact Crytek's boss himself, Cevat Yerli, who talked about the possibility of it being ported to consoles, would that be enough for you...?

"...first we want to see how the game is received, publicly and critically ratings wise, et cetera," Cevat Yerli told Game Informer. "We believe it will be received at least as strong as Far Cry. I hope personally a 5% average increase...That would give us an argument to [say], 'OK, let's see how we can bring Crysis to consoles'."

And since the developer's famous engine, CryEngine 2, has already made its way onto consoles, why wouldn't it be a possibility? Even Yerli says it's fairly possible, but not without some hard work:

"?you cannot get Crysis as it is on PC on any console. What you would have to do is compromise the design and the level design [?] the consoles just offer a memory difference which is the most important statement here - the memory difference in the PS3 and Xbox 360 doesn't allow Crysis - the same on console as it is on PC. In order to make Crysis's gameplay [on console] you would have to make a derivative Crysis and optimize it for the Xbox 360 and PS3. In fact, if we do it, we'll optimize it for each platform."

Later on during the interview, Yerli is even more convincing when talking about the possibility of porting it to consoles: "If we would bring it to console we would keep the sophistication. We would just make it so people could play it with the joypad and that it would be a great time. We would not dumb down the experience. We would make sure people stay completely immersed. The AI and our gameplay dynamic is our heart. We can't change that. If you change that, you lose Crysis."

As you can see, Crytek's boss is very determined to start up work on the console version of their shooter as soon as they see that Crysis is well received on PC. And why wouldn't it be...? It's only like the most anticipated of shooters this year except for Halo 3, so..., yeah, console owners should definitely get their hopes up.