Gain an edge in multiplayer by pre-ordering the game before its 2013 release

Apr 19, 2012 00:21 GMT  ·  By

After yesterday’s announcement that Crysis 3 is official and will arrive in 2013, Electronic Arts and Crytek have now revealed the special Crysis 3 Hunter Edition that’s now available for pre-order.

Crysis 3 continues the story from the previous game, this time transforming New York City into an actual jungle, with lots of trees and vegetation invading the concrete of the American city.

We’ve already seen some impressive screenshots and heard a few details about the game, but now the two companies have presented the special Crysis 3 Hunter Edition, which includes lots of interesting things that give customers an advantage in the multiplayer mode.

“The Crysis 3 Hunter Edition gives players the tools to become the ultimate hunter in multiplayer with early access to the new signature bow and its attachments, plus the Hunter Nanosuit module which adds additional power and functionality to the super-suit. Gamers who pre-order now will also have a head start when playing online with a bonus XP boost up to level 5, a unique bow skin and three exclusive dog tags to hunt in style,” EA said.

Those interested in this special edition can already order it from participating retailers or straight from EA’s Origin service.

Besides the extra goodies included in the Crysis 3 Hunter Edition, certain retailers will also offer one of three different packs that bring other special goodies for the multiplayer mode.

Stalker Pack — Includes the base game, all Hunter Edition content and the following early multiplayer unlocks: for players who like to stalk their prey from the shadows the Stalker Pack provides early multiplayer access to the deadly semi-auto Jackal shotgun. This powerful, close-range shotgun comes with a unique silencer attachment, custom weapon skin and two exclusive themed in-game dog tags.

Overkill Pack — Includes the base game, all Hunter Edition content and the following early multiplayer unlocks: the Overkill Pack features early multiplayer access to the Typhoon assault weapon and skin. Spewing 500 rounds a second, the Typhoon gives players the ability to go guns blazing to take back the Liberty Dome. Also included are two exclusive Overkill themed in-game dog tags.

Predator Pack — Includes the base game, all the Hunter Edition content and the following early multiplayer unlocks: the Predator Pack delivers early multiplayer access to the Feline submachine gun and exclusive camo. With an extremely fast rate of fire and a 60 round magazine the Feline is highly effective and deadly, at short range. Crysis 3 Hunter Edition is out next year for the PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360.