At least one of the ten reasons is arguable

Apr 19, 2007 10:04 GMT  ·  By

Here are a few hints to let you know whether you're a real gamer or just a snob. This was GameSpy's idea and a good one at that, which may just ease off the tension between joystick adepts and mouse-and-keyboard fans.

Reason number six I found to be quite interesting and true at the same time: "Kids' Play." Why would anyone play a platformer such as Mario, jumping around and finding hidden items (which totally spells "fun"), when you can have a complex PC game, tearing your brain apart, not knowing what the object of the game was until you read it in three a 3 months later issue of a gaming magazine?

PCs are the "invincible" gaming platforms - reason number two: true, they evolve constantly indeed, but that doesn't mean that consoles aren't good gaming tools. Just in case you PC gamer snobs haven't noticed, consoles are especially designed for games, so why on Earth wouldn't anyone buy one? Have you considered that some actually have lives and don't spend 24 hours in front of the PC? What, playing just a couple of hours a day after work doesn't make you a gamer?

OK, here's something that I don't agree with. Number nine, I found to be in total favor of the PC gamer. The site comments ironically: "You believe that only chumps play first-person shooters with a gamepad. In your eyes nothing matches the precision of the good old keyboard and mouse combo. No other control scheme comes close and you fully believe that with your keyboard and mouse setup you can easily best any console gamer in any first-person shooter."

OK, chumps - no, I agree, but they're not total FPS gamers either if they're using a joypad all the time. Mouse and keyboard are the perfect configuration for a FPS indeed, so no matter what console owners say about this, PC gamers aren't snobs if they're sticking with their controls. In fact it's console gamers saying that joysticks are just as good for FPS games and that are snobs. That's about it. What do you think?