Sep 7, 2010 09:38 GMT  ·  By

Epic Games, the video games developer behind the Gears of War franchise, has announced that their company has managed to raise the sum of 150,000 dollars for the Child's Play charity by selling T-shirts that will determine the faith of the Carmine character in their upcoming third person shooter.

Cliff Bleszinski, the design director, and Rod Fergusson, who is the executive producer, have unveiled the amount of money they raised via video at the Penny Arcade Expo.

Beginning with July 29 and until September 1 fans of the Gears of War series were able to get T-shirts that were printed with either “Save Carmine” or “Carmine Must Die”, deciding the ultimate fate of the character.

Bleszinski refused to tell the audience at the video game oriented event whether Carmine would be alive or dead in Gears of War 3, saying “Although the fate of Carmine has been sealed, we can't tell you right now.”

Gamers presumably needing to actually buy the game in order to find out when it is launched in late April 2011 exclusively on the Xbox 360 home console from Microsoft.

The new game will introduce playable female characters for the first time in the series and will also allow gamers to use mechs and a variety of new weapons as they face the Lambent, a tough new enemy which has scared even the Locust.

Epic Games is quite a busy company at the moment, with a lot of projects in production alongside Gears of War 3.

With subsidiary People Can Fly Epic is working on a new shooter, called Bulletstorm, which focuses on impressive visuals and on a gameplay mechanics that will reward the player for performing as innovative and stylish as possible kill moves on enemies.

The company is also working on creating a gaming experience for the iPod Touch from Apple using the Unreal Engine 3, with a hack and slash role playing game project announced at a recent event.