Jun 28, 2011 20:51 GMT  ·  By
Cameron Diaz says she owes her incredible body to an overhauled, healthier diet
   Cameron Diaz says she owes her incredible body to an overhauled, healthier diet

Cameron Diaz has one of the best bodies in showbiz and, believe it or not, until not long ago, she was one of the most outspoken lovers of junk and fatty foods. In recent years, though, she’s overhauled her diet, which has enabled her to maintain her enviable figure now that she’s approaching 40.

As any respectable Diaz fan would know, Cameron, soon to grace the silver screen in the raunchy comedy “Bad Teacher,” invests a lot of time and effort in staying in such great shape.

Nevertheless, she says for the latest issue of USA Weekend, it’s not just her exercise routine that’s keeping her at her fittest and most gorgeous, but also being mindful of what she eats.

“I used to eat fried food from morning to night when I was in my 20s. But I have really had to make some changes. I love fried chicken and french fries,” Cameron admits in the interview.

As noted above, that’s not a secret: the actress has always been very open about how much she loves fried and fatty foods, and how she has her metabolism to thank for not gaining weight.

Still, things have changed in recent years.

“I can’t do that anymore. As I get older, I realized I was working a little bit harder at digesting what I was eating, and I thought it is not fair to my body to keep doing this,” Diaz says of overhauling her diet and starting to eat healthier.

“If you are giving it a bunch of crap all the time, it will break down quicker and deteriorate quicker, so I stopped,” she says.

Many things have changed throughout the years, she says in the same interview, and that includes her relationship with her ex Justin Timberlake who, ironically, plays her love interest in “Bad Teacher.”

“We have always liked each other. I am not the same person I was when I was with Justin. Our lives have moved in different directions, and that’s OK,” Diaz says.