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Dec 5, 2008 10:00 GMT  ·  By

Activision announced that a double XP week was due to be launched this Friday in the United States and in Europe. The exact start date is Friday, December 5, at 8 PM GMT. The double XP period will last exactly one week and will end on Friday, December 12 at 7:59 PM. It’s nice to see that a publisher actually knows how long a week is.

Unfortunately, not all those who bought Call of Duty: World at War will be able to take advantage of this offer. Activision says that only those who have a Limited Collector's Edition for the PC or for the Xbox 360 will be able to sign up by using something called the Officer's Club play list. You also need to make sure that you have activated Activision’s limited edition special status. It seems like an awful amount of trouble to go through in order to enjoy double experience, but if you're really interested in getting a better character and have a Limited Collector's Edition, go for it.

Call of Duty: World at War has been created by Treyarch and published by Activision. It uses the same engine as Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare but is set in World War II, including islands in the Pacific.

The multiplayer section of the game, which we have experienced first hand and talked about, is pretty solid. It's kinda annoying to see all the same perks from Call of Duty 4 recycled and some of the weapons appear a bit underpowered, especially the bolt action rifles which lose out to the powerful machine guns. Also, the attack dogs which can be used by players are very, very annoying. Other than that, a community of players similar to that of Modern Warfare is being created around the game and a double experience week can only serve to help it grow.