Jul 13, 2011 09:40 GMT  ·  By

It seems that the developers of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 want to make sure the game won't be susceptible to any large scale bugs or problems, as a group of so-called glitch "specialists" have revealed that they're going to be brought in by Activision, the game's publisher, to try out the title and share their findings.

Call of Duty games have a large scale following due to their top-notch multiplayer modes which, even if they can encounter glitches from time to time, are usually fixed through patches and prevented through rigorous testing.

With the upcoming Modern Warfare 3, Activision, together with the studios currently working on the game, Infinity Ward and Sledgehammer Games, want to make sure glitches won't be present at launch, and have employed a group of specialists in the field, called mapMonkeys, which maintain a special website dedicated to finding and sharing glitches, exploits and strategies for a variety of games.

According to the founder of the group, Rezzo, via CVG, he and three others have been flown it this week and given a week to experience an early build of Modern Warfare 3 and find as many glitches as possible.

He said that this isn't the first time Activision called upon them, as it happened with previous Call of Duty games like World at War or Modern Warfare 2, but this is the first time the team has a more than just a few days at its disposal to find glitches.

"This time, Infinity Ward is keeping us there an entire week so we can find more bugs and glitches than ever before! I know this goes against mapMonkeys since we thrive off of finding and sharing glitches with each other, but this is an amazing opportunity we can't pass up!"

Hopefully, the team can find as many glitches as possible in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, in order to ensure that the final game, which is out on November 8, won't be prone to any serious problems, at least in its first few weeks.