Fourth installment under development

Nov 14, 2006 14:15 GMT  ·  By

Not even a week has gone by from the Call of Duty 3's release, and they are already planning another installment in this FPS series. Apparently, Call of Duty 4 is currently in the works and it's going to be developed by Infinity Ward.

The source of this news is and they say that they've gotten this information from "reliable source close to the Call of Duty development teams". Infinity Ward is also responsible for the first and second installments of COD series. Apparently, there is a deal between Treyarch, Infinity Ward and the games' publisher Activision, to be more exact, Infinity Ward will develop all even numbered titles while Treyarch will develop all odd numbered games.

This reliable source also reveals some crucial information about Call of Duty 4, namely that the fourth installment in the series will be a step forward as regarding the battlefield. The World War II scenery will be left behind, the developer wanting to introduce a more modern feel to the game. So, a present day battlefield will be present in the game, presumably a Middle East front.

If you want to get more technical you can have it as I have to report that Call of Duty 4 will have 16 critical points on the head, 4 times as much compared with other first person shooters. That means that if you hit an enemy in the ear, you will blow his ear off, and not his whole head, as you do in other shooters.

So far, Call of Duty 4 sounds like a real winner, but we'll have to wait and see. No release date has been revealed and frankly, I'm surprised that any information have managed to come out. Thanks, amped. What is most impressive is that it will come back to its roots, namely it will have PC support.