Aren't FPS consoles crap?

Dec 21, 2006 07:53 GMT  ·  By

If you are sick and tired of all the Call of Duty 3 maps already present in the game this might be good news for you. By the looks of it, Activision will release two packs of Call of Duty maps. One pack will be for free, but for the other you will have to cough-up some dough.

These new maps are for multiplayer mode and will be available on the Xbox Live Marketplace. The first pack is called Bonus Map (free of charge) and the second pack is called Valor Map Pack. The latter will set you back 800 Microsoft points.

The Bonus Map, also known as Champs, will see players facing off in Port Royal de Champs, a classic fighting ground located in France. Maybe Call of Duty 3 players will enjoy more the Valor Map Pack, which consists of five multiplayer maps. The maps in Valop Map Pack are also located in France.

Call of Duty 3 is the latest installment in the Call of Duty series. It has been released for most gaming platforms, Xbox 360 included, but not on the PC, and by the looks of it we won't see a PC version. This is quite ironic considering that the first Call of Duty game was released for PCs. Personally, I hate first-person shooters on consoles, the camera view sucks and aiming is also crap.

Maybe the Wii version of Call of Duty 3 will be different, considering the groundbreaking control of the Wii. I haven't tried it yet, but as soon as I get a Wii (probably in January) I will surely buy a copy of Call of Duty 3.