CEO also offers apologies for the way the game was handled this year

Oct 6, 2011 14:24 GMT  ·  By

The developers at CCP working on the MMO EVE Online have talked about their future plans for the game while also apologizing for the issues that have affected the title and its long term fans during the recent months.

Hilmar Veigar Pétursson, who is the Chief Executive Officer at CCP Games, has issued a letter of apology to fans, saying, “The past few months have been very humbling for me. I’ve done much soul searching, and what follows is my sincere effort to clear the air with all of you. Please bear with me as I find my way through.”

The executive believes that the quick evolution and the successes that EVE Online has notched up have made the developers overconfident and led to changes that were not necessarily requested by the player community.

Pétursson adds, “As hubris set in, I became less inclined to listen to pleas for caution. Red flags raised by very smart people both at CCP and in the community went unheeded because of my stubborn refusal to allow adversity to gain purchase on our plans. Mistakes, even when they were acknowledged, often went unanalyzed, leaving the door open for them to be repeated.”

After the message from the CEO was posted the team at CCP also added a developer blog which talks about how a number of features that were eliminated, like ship spinning, will be brought back, and about plans to make the game more welcoming to new players.

EVE Online is unique because all players share the same in game universe and can interact with each other without restrictions.

The game is also known for being very competitive, with some players taking years to put together and execute ambitious plans, which involve both in game work and outside of the game actions.

CCP is also working on a console shooter called Dust 514 which will also use the EVE universe.