It's not exactly the "world's best offer" but if you're a fan of both systems...

Feb 5, 2007 09:24 GMT  ·  By

HMV's online store comes to you with the best offer if you're one of the few "lucky ones" who are preordering their PS3. The bundle is a PS3 computer entertainment system with a 4GB PSP pack complete with two PSP games: Killzone Liberation and Gangs of London, all for the incredible price of GBP 674.99.

This is what the guys at HMV have to say: "At, we've been working with Sony to offer up to 5000 customers an incredible deal when you buy the new Sony 4GB PSP. Anyone who takes advantage of this offer will get priority over other customers for the PlayStation 3."

So, what should we understand, that the PSP is somehow a free of charge product next to the PS3? Not even close. Take a good look at the price. That's right! It isn't exactly a ground shaking offer, keeping in mind that Sony's latest system, the PS3, is still an expensive one everywhere in the world. Some may say it's not that expensive, but eventually everyone will wonder what the real price for the PS3 is and Sony is keeping it in the dark trying to do whatever possible to cover exceeded manufacturing costs.

Basically, HMV is shoving the PSP down customers' throats, so if you want to get a PS3 at HMV's online store you'll find yourself buying the PSP platform as well, whether you want it or not. But remember, there are two great games for the handheld, so if you really are one of "the lucky ones," taking advantage of the offer than you'll find yourself sitting on the PS3 playing on the PSP. Really now, what's the point of getting a PSP when your mind is made up for the PS3.

It doesn't go vice-versa, owning a PSP alone you'll surely get bored one day but, let's say you have a PS3 and you got bored of it, are you going to take the PSP foe a spin? (given that you'll find it in one of your dusty shelves)