Carl Weininger pays £22,000 ($34,500 or €25,000) for a pick-me-up after breakup

Dec 6, 2011 21:51 GMT  ·  By
World's most expensive dessert is no more: businessman eats £22,000 ($34,500 or €25,000) pudding
   World's most expensive dessert is no more: businessman eats £22,000 ($34,500 or €25,000) pudding

Some women would eat some ice cream or chocolate after a breakup, while men could possibly splurge on beer to drown their sorrows. One businessman paid no less than £22,000 ($34,500 or €25,000) to mend his broken heart.

As we also informed you a while back, Marc Guibert, head chef at Lindeth Howe Country House Hotel in Windermere, Cumbria, was the proud designer of the world's most expensive dessert.

Listing as ingredients chocolate, gold leaves, champagne caviar and a real-life diamond, the Faberge Easter Egg, the official name of the pudding, was until just now, the world's most expensive sweet treat.

“Was” because Mr. Weininger ate it, the Daily Mail informs.

The 60-year-old businessman was dumped by his girlfriend of 3 years earlier this year and he thought sampling such an exquisite dessert could only perk him up a bit.

And that's precisely what the cake did, he says.

“I was dumped earlier this year and felt this could be a decent pick-me-up. As someone who buys and sells diamonds, I was also particularly attracted by the diamond that came with it,” he says of the 2-carat diamond that served as the “cherry on top” of the cake.

Mr. Weininger would describe the experience as unique, interesting and, above all, brief since it only lasted about 15 minutes.

One should note that he wasn't alone when he ate the cake: the tasting took place at the Aviators' Ball, at Heathrow Terminal Five's Sofitel Hotel, in the company of a few select and lucky friends,.

“It's not something you do every day and the response has been overwhelmingly positive. I'm not much of a chocolate lover myself but all the women who tasted it said 'Wow',” says the businessman.

Even if it didn't take him and his friends more than a quarter of an hour to finish off the cake, he says he will cherish the memory of the experience for a lifetime.

“It was absolutely delicious, as you would expect, but only lasted 15 minutes but the flavors will last in the memory forever,” Mr. Weininger says.