Dec 1, 2010 15:50 GMT  ·  By
Star makes shocking claim: Britney Spears confided in ex about the beatings she gets, a miscarriage
   Star makes shocking claim: Britney Spears confided in ex about the beatings she gets, a miscarriage

When she was younger and not under conservatorship, Britney Spears married then-boyfriend Jason Alexander – and then divorced him days later. He’s now telling Star magazine Britney’s current beau Jason Trawick is beating her up.

Talk of an abusive relationship between the pop star and her former manager, now lover has made headlines in the tabloid media before but, until now, word had it she was the one with a bad temper.

Alexander is now singing a different tune, telling Star how Britney herself told him that Jason had hit her – and that he would often beat her up because their relationship had turned violent.

“Britney is in an abusive relationship. She told me her life had turned into a nightmare,” Alexander says for the December 13 issue of Star, out on newsstands today.

And there’s more: apparently, at one point in 2010, Britney was also pregnant with Jason’s child but she miscarried. The beatings only got worse after that.

“Childhood friends Britney and Alexander stayed in touch after their 55-hour marriage was annulled in 2004. But their casual texts, phone calls and emails took a dark turn when she recently confided that Trawick ‘hit her so hard it gave her a black eye,’ Alexander says,” Star writes.

Asked about his motivation for going to the press with such a shocking story, the pop star’s first husband says he’s “really concerned” about her.

He believes Britney is “telling me these secrets as a way of getting out of this,” which would mean she’s trying to tell him she wants all these details (assuming they’re true) out in the open.

Star even claims to have photographic evidence of the beatings Britney sustained at the hands of Jason, together with the text messages she sent Jason telling him about her misfortune.

More details on the secret pregnancy and the miscarriage are also reportedly included in the Star story.