A complete FAQ for those who are interested

Aug 21, 2008 06:51 GMT  ·  By

The most anticipated RPG of all times, Diablo III, has been detailed even further by Blizzard, which is offering us as much as it probably can for now, and I must admit we're quite pleased with the level of detail. I am sure nostalgics and skeptics together will be extremely pleased to hear that Blizzard plans to bring a host of brand new exciting stuff, while keeping the feeling of the old games in the franchise.

Diablo III will be a true sequel to the previous game, with an easy interface, some fast-paced action and visceral gameplay - but you saw that already in the gameplay trailer. What you probably did not know is the fact that there will be five classes to choose from (including barbarian and witch doctor), interactive environments and destructible elements - all randomly generated for the ultimate replay value in a game! Our enemies will come in different shapes and difficulty levels, each with unique attacks and behaviors, while our own character will have a brand new quest system and character customization options. Of course, all these will have multiplayer functionality over Battle.net, both as co-op and as competitive modes.

Furthermore, Blizzard was kind enough to offer a very comprehensive FAQ we're really happy to share. Unfortunately, the company still has no release date for the game. Here are the questions and answers:

Can you give an overview of Diablo III's storyline?

It has been twenty years since the events of Diablo II. Of those who faced the Lords of Hatred, Terror, and Destruction in the battle over the fate of Sanctuary, there are few still living who can bear to remember the horrors that the Prime Evils wrought upon the world. And of those who did not witness the terrible events firsthand, most believe the stories to be little more than myth. But something evil is stirring once again in Tristram, and it may already have claimed its first victim: Deckard Cain.

Will there be any other familiar faces in Diablo III (other than Deckard Cain)?

Yes. Players will encounter several new characters as well as a number of characters from the previous games.

Will players be visiting any familiar locations in Diablo III, such as Tristram?

Yes, definitely. Players will return to Tristram and certain other locations from the previous games, and they'll be exploring new areas of Sanctuary as well.

Will players be able to choose the gender of their character, regardless of class?

Yes. Players will be able to create male and female characters for all five classes.

What engine is Diablo III running on? What graphical enhancements are included?

Diablo III runs on a custom 3D game engine for rendering full-3D characters and environments. The 3D game engine not only simulates advanced animation sequences and sound effects, but also uses a custom physics engine that allows for realistic object dynamics and cloth simulation.

When will Diablo III be released?

It's too early to estimate Diablo III's release date. As with all Blizzard Entertainment games, our goal is to create a game that is as fun, balanced, and polished as possible. We intend to take as much time developing Diablo III as is necessary to ensure the game meets our own high expectations and those of our players.