Aug 4, 2011 12:19 GMT  ·  By

Video game publisher Activision Blizzard has announced that its first-person shooter Call of Duty: Black Ops will get a new map pack, called Rezurrection, which will be launched on August 23 on Xbox Live for the price of 1200 Microsoft Points and will also be offered on the PlayStation Network and on the PC at a later date, probably after about one month.

The Rezurrection map pack will include a new Moon level and four reworked versions of Zombie-powered levels: Nacht der Untoten, Verruckt, Shi No Numa and Der Riese.

The pack includes a new Zombies Moon themed and three new music tracks that have not been released before.

Activision Blizzard is clearly aiming to capitalize on the public's appetite for DLC for Black Ops, which has seen the previous three map packs sell more than 14 million units, quite a lot more than the map packs for Modern Warfare 2.

David Vonderhaar, who is the design director at Treyarch, has spoken about how his team goes about creating the DLC content, saying, “It could be inspired by a locale, it could be inspired by a particular gameplay style that we wanna have in the portfolio. It could be inspired by some interactive element like rockets taking off, or zippiness, or even floating apples.”

He added, “We go through this pretty rigorous process. There’s a whole series of things a map has to have – it’s gotta have good flow control and pathing, it’s gotta have good cover. There’s things that every map’s going to have in common.”

For this fall Activision Blizzard is preparing the launch of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, which is being developed by Infinity Ward.

The franchise will also receive the Elite multiplayer focused service.

The launch date for both is set for November 8 on all gaming platforms.