Both from carriers and retailers

Nov 26, 2009 11:46 GMT  ·  By

The Black Friday and the holiday shopping season are both upon us and there are quite many users already considering the purchase of a new mobile phone during this period, mainly due to the price cuts most carriers and retailers operate. Those living in the US will surely be able to enjoy a wide range of such offerings, available on the Black Friday or afterwards for various handsets.

For example, Verizon Wireless is said to have put on place a large number of price cuts for November 27, which will be available throughout the weekend, some of which are also coupled with its ongoing BOGO promotion. Thus, the Blackberry Pearl Flip and HTC Ozone will be priced at $9.99 after $100 MIR, LG Versa and Nokia 7705 Twist at $29.99 after $50 MIR, while Motorola Entice at $19.99 after $50 MIR.

In addition, Big Red will have LG Glance, Motorola VU204 and Samsung Smooth for free (the last one after a $50 MIR), the Gateway LT Netbook priced at $29.99 after $100 MIR, and the Mifi 2200 Intelligent Mobile Hotspot priced at $49.99 after $50 MIR (only during the Black Friday). Moreover, those who will purchase an LG enV3 or enV Touch from the carrier tomorrow will receive a free LG HBM-210 Bluetooth headset.

Moving to another carrier, T-Mobile USA, one might want to know that it plans on offering 3 smartphones with a US$50 price cut during the Black Friday weekend. The new BlackBerry Bold 9700 and the Motorola CLIQ will cost only $149.99 on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, while the Samsung Highlight will be priced at $49.99. All three handsets are available upon the signing of a two-year contract agreement with the carrier. However, it seems that the $50 cut will also be applied to the full retail price for the T-Mobile Even More Plus plan.

Other deals have been also put in place via various retailers, such as LetsTalk, which is offering the new HTC DROID ERIS for free on contract for new customers. Best Buy Mobile also has a nice offering for some Android-based handsets, though this one certainly seems more appealing. Walmart and Wirefly ofer the same phone for $30.00 and $29.99. still in the Android world, the Samsung Moment is now available for only $79.99 at Amazon, yet another appealing offer.

According to a recent post on cellphonedigest, a series of nice deals will also be available when it comes to BlackBerry phones. The BlackBerry Storm2 will go for only 99-cents on a Verizon contract on Black Friday, and will be available for less than $10 from November 28 to 30, while the BlackBerry Bold 9700 will be available for free from November 27 to 30 on an AT&T contract. Both offers include free activation and free shipping.