Feb 4, 2011 11:10 GMT  ·  By

Developer BioWare and publisher Electronic Arts have finally confirmed that they are aiming to deliver a demo for their upcoming role-playing game Dragon Age 2 on February 22, coming to the PlayStation 3, the Xbox 360 and the PC.

There have been rumors for a few days that a demo for the game was being prepared and that it could arrive at the end of February, but BioWare actually denied its existence before making this official announcement.

It also seems that GameStop employees might get access to the demo almost ten days earlier than normal gamers, allowing them to familiarize themselves with the experience in order to be able to counsel potential buyers about the features of Dragon Age 2.

The demo will allow all players to get through the prologue of the role-playing game and one of the areas of Kirkwall.

Three different character classes are included in order to provide variety and show gamers what kind of builds are available.

Players will control a human hero named Hawke in Dragon Age 2, allowing for less potential options than the three races in Origins, but BioWare is promising that the choices for his development will be richer than ever.

The demo for Dragon Age 2 will allow players to meet Isabela, one of the potential romantic interests in the game and when they complete the demo they will get a special unlock, Hayder's Razor, a dwarf made ancient blade that increases mana, health and combat abilities for the main character.

Those who are looking for more Dragon Age to enjoy before the initial launch can also look forward to the Facebook-based Legends game, which is now in closed beta stage and will probably arrive in the same period as the demo, also providing gamers with unlocks for the full game.

The official launch date for Dragon Age 2 is March 8 in the United States and March 11 in Europe.