Jul 27, 2011 22:01 GMT  ·  By

Console owners shouldn't worry about Battlefield 3 running badly on their devices, as its developer, DICE, says the 720p resolution and 30fps frame-rate won't result in a bad shooter experience.

Battlefield 3 impressed a lot of people recently, when it, alongside its new Frostbite 2 engine, was showcased to the world on the PC platform. It was later found out that Battlefield 3 on consoles like the PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360 will run at a 720p resolution and with a frame-rate of 30fps.

This was down from the performance of its Arch rival, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, which has its frame-rate locked at 60fps by developers Infinity Ward and Sledgehammer Games.

Fans shouldn't worry, however, as DICE general manager Karl Magnus Troedsson explained that the console performance figures aren't that bad and will still provide a great experience to all players.

"For those tech-savvy enough to have looked into the actual resolution of their console games it won't come as a surprise that a lot of console games today do not run at 1080p but rather 720p. We've done this for our last games and we believe it can still look amazing. When people ask for 1080p they don't see the compromises that would be needed to get there," Troedsson told Game Examiner.

In terms of the frame-rate, while it won't be as smooth as Modern Warfare 3, Battlefield 3 will use it to deliver a more impressive experience with lots of moving parts and destruction thanks to the Frostbite 2 engines.

"As for the frame-rate we've made a conscious decision to stick with 30 FPS on console," he added. "It's not a technical problem with getting our game to run in 60 FPS but we do this in favour of the large amount of players, large scale maps, huge amount of vehicles, full on destruction and so on. The pace in Battlefield is slightly slower than some other twitchy shooters of today which lends itself well to this frame-rate."

Sledgehammer Games, one of Modern Warfare 3's developers, was quite adamant that the game, with its 60fps, will prove to be the best shooter experience of the year, in front of Battlefield 3 and other such titles.