Jan 26, 2011 20:51 GMT  ·  By

The quality of Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed franchise won't be hurt by the yearly iterations the French company has planned for it, at least according to Ubisoft's UK marketing boss Murray Pannell.

The original Assassin's Creed appeared back in 2007, but, seeing as how 2009's Assassin's Creed 2 was so well received, Ubisoft pumped out Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood last year.

With that title becoming the fastest selling game ever released by the French company, another iteration was already confirmed for this year.

Fans shouldn't worry about these yearly iterations though, as Pannell assures them that, through the collaboration of Ubisoft's global studios, things will stay fresh and at the same level of quality expected from the series.

"[Innovation] is something any publisher needs to consider and any decisions about how Ubisoft will develop the franchise going forward will take this into account," he told CVG.

"The unequivocal goal is to ensure that the brand continues to grow in quality and innovation and we are putting the creativity and expertise of several of our worldwide studios behind it in order to guarantee that continued quality."

According to the executive, the company will continue to pull its studios together in order to keep things interesting in the franchise, instead of switching studios like Activision does with its Call of Duty series.

"Yes, it's a key element to our ability to continue innovating and the quality of Assassin's Creed Brotherhood is directly due to the collaboration between studios."

"We have a strong and deeply talented developer base from which to draw within Ubisoft. The ability for worldwide studios to collaborate, share technology and exchange resources is a massive competitive advantage, so there's little doubt this strategy does help to create top quality product."

The Assassin's Creed franchise was created by the Ubisoft Montreal studio, under Patrice Desilets, who now joined THQ, but on the most recent title, Brotherhood, Ubisoft studios from all around the world worked together.

Ubisoft is expected to reveal the first details about the new Assassin's Creed project later this year, probably around the Game Developers Conference, this Spring, or at E3, in Summer.