Feb 10, 2011 09:34 GMT  ·  By

Chronic Dev Team member pod2g informs via Twitter that Apple 'appears' to have patched a hole exploitable by the Greenpois0n jailbreak tool ahead of the official iOS 4.3 release.

Spotted by the notorious Musclenerd of the iPhone Dev Team (the crew behind the PwnageTool jailbreak), pod2g’s tweet informs that Apple “fixed the hole in the 4.3 betas (by accident, apparently!)”

In other words, iOS 4.3 will not be jailbreakable out of the box, unlike iOS 4.2.6 (used by CDMA iPhone 4 models).

Apple is at its third iOS 4.3 beta, with the software expected to make its final, public debut soon.

iOS 4.3 is believed to introduce a new subscription system for digital magazines and newspapers, though details are scarce, and unreliable.

The betas are known to carry references to unreleased Apple hardware, including a next-generation iPhone, and a new iPad, both of which are expected to emerge via dedicated events in the first half of 2011.

As the iPhone Dev Team plans to update PwnageTool with Chronic Dev’s Greenpois0n exploit for the iOS 4.2.1 untethered jailbreak, pod2g has informed the former group that they will be allowed to do so, once it goes open source.

“You can freely include deedface exploit in your tools as soon as it’ll go opensource. Approx. 1 week after win32 build,” the hacker told Musclenerd via Twitter.

This article has a purely informational purpose and doesn't, in any way, suggest that you should hack your Apple device.

Using hacks may render your device unusable, or may reduce the quality of your experience employing the respective device.

If you choose to download and install jailbreak tools, you will do so at your own risk. Unlocking / jailbreaking your iPhone / iPod touch / iPad / Apple TV may violate your warranty or the EULA with Apple and / or your cellular-service provider.