Israel will have other things to worry about besides going after Iran's nukes

Dec 29, 2011 14:49 GMT  ·  By

The latest video released by the members of Anonymous and TeaMp0isoN reveals the hacktivists’ plans to launch Operation Free Palestine which will target Zionist websites.

“The people of Palestine have been robbed of their land and their freedom, the Racist Zionist state is killing innocent Palestinians using illegal chemical weapons, the governments of the world have ignored the war crimes committed by Israel, will you ignore these illegal methods and war crimes too?” reads their statement.

Anonymous, TeaMp0isoN and other hacktivist collectives around the world plan on launching attacks against Israeli government websites and the ones owned by Zionists. They want to deface websites to raise awareness and educate people.

With this operation they want to show that the problems citizens of modern countries have cannot be compared to those the people of Palestine are presented with each day.

“Operation Free Palestine is about educating the blind and terrorising the terrorist, the tables have turned, the time has come.”

One of the hackers that run this operation tells me that in 2012 a lot of websites belonging to Zionists and companies that “fund the illegal occupation of Palestine” will be targeted. Around February, helped by the local Palestinian hacktivists, the infamous groups will launch attacks against the regime they consider to be criminal.

This latest operation is based on the group’s beliefs that if something’s bigger than you and you can’t fight it, the least you can do is raise awareness online, which in some situations can be crucial.

In the meantime, other operations launched by Anonymous and TeaMp0isoN, such as OpCensorThis and OpRobinHood, are still on.

A few days ago we’ve witnessed a simple yet successful awareness-raising operation that Anonymous launched against Go Daddy for supporting the controversial SOPA. After the video announcement was released, in just two days around 30,000 domains were moved from Go Daddy to other companies.