People are still unhappy with the conclusion delivered by the game

Mar 22, 2012 10:51 GMT  ·  By

The campaign against the ending of Mass Effect 3 has reached new heights, as angry players have now resorted to reporting developer BioWare and publisher Electronic Arts to the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) and BBB (Better Business Bureau) for failing to deliver on its promises.

Mass Effect 3 came out two weeks ago and, since then, players haven’t exactly approved of the new game from BioWare and EA.

After first bombing the Metacritic user score with low reviews, players then started complaining about the game’s ending. Some started campaigns against it, others began creating their own conclusions, while a few even donated to charity in order to get EA and BioWare’s attention.

Now, even after the two companies made a few statements about Mass Effect 3 and its ending, some users are still upset.

Such is the case of BioWare Social Network forum member El_Spiko, who resorted to filing complaints with both the FTC and the BBB against BioWare and EA over failing to deliver on their promises with Mass Effect 3.

"This is not something I was happy to do, but after the terrible ending that was in no way the product that had been advertised to me and the lack of any kind of response from BioWare/EA to address this, I felt it was one of my only recourses. I'll be returning my copy of the game before the end of my 30 day return policy if the ending still hasn't been addressed by then," the user said in his forum thread.

"After reading through the list of promises about the ending of the game they made in their advertising campaign and PR interviews, it was clear that the product we got did not live up to any of those claims," wrote El_Spiko.

Other users have joined his effort and it seems that EA and Bioware are now going to have to face more than just online petitions and lots of angry feedback from its fans.

Are you upset enough with Mass Effect 3’s conclusion that you want to file a formal complaint or do you hope the companies will realize their mistakes and change them in the near future?