Aug 30, 2011 11:11 GMT  ·  By

Those working with Microsoft Dynamics CRM software package will be happy to find that Akvelon, a business and technology consulting company, has just released an Android application that allows users to synchronize their mobile phone calls with Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Developed by Microsoft, the Dynamics CRM is a Customer Relationship Management software that focuses mainly on Sales, Marketing, and Service (help desk) sectors.

The Android application developed by Akvelon is aimed at people who see their Android phones as a valuable tool for sales.

With Akvelon CRM Tracker users will be able to automatically track calls as Tasks in Dynamics CRM, attach calls to records, add Voice Notes, and even track calls offline.

In addition, users can create rules to enable or disable call tracking for specific contacts, or add calls later from their call log.

Akvelon CRM Tracker is a must-have for any sales person doing business on their Android mobile phone. I’m out in the field most days, and tracking client calls in CRM is essential if I’m going to stay on top of my game,” said Toby Rawlinson, an Account Executive at Akvelon.

According to Akvelon, the Android app does not require any changes to Dynamics CRM and is fully compatible with CRM 4.0, CRM 2011, and CRM Online.

"With Akvelon CRM Tracker I can add client calls to CRM when they happen, instead of hours or days later. It’s a huge time-saver, and an indispensable tool to make sure nothing falls through the cracks," added Rawlinson.

Akvelon CRM Tracker for Android is now available as a free download from Android Market and is compatible with all devices running Android 2.1 and up.

However, the application is a 10-days fully functional trial version, after which users will need to purchase a valid license through the application downloaded from Android Market.

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Akvelon CRM Tracker (screenshot)Akvelon CRM Tracker (screenshot)