Jan 7, 2011 16:53 GMT  ·  By
Adam Lambert tweets against MTV’s “Teen Mom,” loses some followers over it
   Adam Lambert tweets against MTV’s “Teen Mom,” loses some followers over it

Singer Adam Lambert has always spoken his mind, so reality television should be no different. The other day, he took to his Twitter to say a few words about one of MTV’s programs – and found himself criticized and losing followers for it.

The show in question is “Teen Mom,” the same one that also made Amber Portwood a star – and the same that is now likely to get Portwood in jail for domestic violence against her fiancé in front of a minor.

Adam, just like many others who criticized the show before, tweeted about how he believed there should be some limit to what is being shown on TV.

Some topics, he said, should not be included because doing so means glorifying them. Clearly, there were some who disagreed with him being against “Teen Mom.”

“This Teen Mom show on MTV is so depressing. I know it’s ‘real life’ but shouldn’t there be programming that inspires kids to shoot higher?” Adam asked on Twitter, also including the tag #glorifyingwhitetrash.

When he saw the kind of reaction his initial tweet prompted, Adam returned to explain himself better and to say that what he simply meant was that MTV should not exploit young moms for profit.

As he said from the start, television shows should be inspiring because they shape the younger generations. “Teen Mom” does the contrary.

“I’m not saying that all teen moms are white trash. Don’t misunderstand. Yet, most of the ones on that show seem to be. I do, however, think they’re are being exploited a bit,” the singer wrote a while later, also on Twitter.

Not even that was enough to placate some of the followers, it would seem. In fact, a few of them were so upset by the above tweets that they actually decided Adam was no longer worthy of their attention because of them.

Lambert took it in his stride, refusing to take back anything he’d said before because he knew he was right to say it: he is entitled to an opinion just like everybody else.

“Woah I lost some followers yesterday cuz I had a valid opinion about a tv show. Hahah. #sensitivesallies #AdammustalwaysbePC,” his latest tweet reads.