Updated Android and iPhone SDKs, plus a Flash Lite SDK

Mar 26, 2010 18:51 GMT  ·  By

AdMob seems set to expand the ability application developers have on monetizing their mobile traffic on various mobile operating systems, as the company has recently announced that new SDK’s for Android, Flash Lite and iPhone platforms are available. At the same time, AdMob made available a series of new tools that offer publishers the possibility to manage their mobile business, including new Publisher Dashboard, Reporting API (beta), and Server Side SDK Controls, as well as an enhanced Reporting UI.

“Developers and publishers are building engaging services across multiple mobile platforms and need the tools to effectively monetize their traffic,” said Omar Hamoui, founder and CEO, AdMob. “The explosive growth we’re seeing makes it an exciting time to be an important part of the mobile advertising industry. We’ve worked very hard to create innovative ways to help mobile developers achieve their goals and easily manage their business – whether on the iPhone, Android or other emerging platforms.”

According to the company, the Updated Android SDK is set to deliver AdMob’s rich media ad units to Android devices, while the Updated iPhone SDK sports performance enhancements and provides developers with additional server side flexibility. The new Flash Lite SDK (beta) enables app builders to monetize traffic with CPC text ads, while the new Adaptive Mobile Ad Unit is a banner ad unit that “remains a constant size as consumers pinch and scroll through a Web site that’s designed for a PC screen on their mobile device.”

Among the new tools released for publishers, we can count: - New Publisher Dashboard – Customizable interface for publishers to view all the key statistics for their mobile Web sites and various applications in one location - Enhanced Reporting UI – Saves publishers time by giving them the ability to customize and save the reports they run on a regular basis - Reporting API (beta) – Enables publishers and advertisers to build their own tools and dashboards - Server Side SDK Controls – Gives publishers ability to dynamically control the display and format of the ads in their applications - AdWhirl for iPhone and Android applications – Open source mediation gives the developers of more than 1,500 mobile applications additional choice and control in monetizing their mobile traffic

Additionally, the company notes that it found in a new survey that 31 percent of developers are using multiple platforms, and that 47 percent stated that they planned on delivering their solutions on more than one operating system. Moreover, 70 percent of iPhone developers intend to release Android applications within six months, and 48 percent Android developers plan developing for the iPhone. At the same time, the company notes that most developers are satisfied with building for the iPhone, but they are unsatisfied with RIM.