All those entitled should have a green skull intheir profile

Nov 16, 2011 12:03 GMT  ·  By

Video game publisher Activision Blizzard has announced that it has added the Founder benefits to the Call of Duty Elite multiplayer service and that all those who are eligible for them should log into the official site in order to claim them.

The company says that those who have Founder status should have a green skull next to their in game ID, meaning that their benefits have been activated and available, and all those who lack that symbol should check in with Customer Support if they feel they are entitled.

A post from Activision on the official page for Call of Duty Elite says, “Over the past few days, we’ve been able to make several key improvements to Call of Duty Elite.”

It adds, “We will keep you updated as our progress continues. Thanks again for your patience and understanding. We continue to work around the clock to bring you the full Call of Duty Elite experience.”

Since it was launched alongside Modern Warfare 3 on both the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3 Call of Duty Elite has been plagued by a number of problems, with gamers claiming that they were unable to log into the service and see their stats, regardless of their status.

Activision has said that Elite is recording games and stats but that at the moment the number of players who are trying to access the service is creating problems.

All the issues are set to be solved during the coming weeks and Activision has said that playing Elite members will get another month of free service for their trouble.

Elite has not been launched on the PC, with the developers claiming that the platform is much harder to make secure than home gaming consoles, but the publisher has said that it was still committed to create a working implementation for those players who prefer shooting with a mouse and keyboard setup.