Those whose Macs will not support Snow Leopard in September can now put on a happy "screen"

Jun 18, 2009 12:29 GMT  ·  By

Even though Snow Leopard isn’t going to be available until September, the original Mac OS X 10.6 wallpaper is now available for free download. Admittedly, the wallpaper is not much, but it does make a good first step towards the transition to the new OS. Mac fans can grab the wallpaper immediately and use the System Prefs to set it as their desktop background.

Ever noticed how a new desktop wallpaper can change your mood, and the way you think about your computer? The first thing you look at when you fire up your Mac is the screen, and, implicitly, the wallpaper. It’s always the first thing you see, and that image gets stuck in your brain, creating your very own impression of that computer. In conclusion, the wallpaper matters.

The original Mac OS X 10.6 wallpaper is not much different from Leopard’s. However, the colors are crisper, and the new design gives the impression of speed – probably Apple’s very aim. So, here’s how you can have your own piece of Snow Leopard with you, even if you’re running a G4 Mac.

Download the 2560x1600 resolution wallpaper; – Save it to your computer’s hard drive (preferably where your keep all your Pictures); – Open System Preferences; – Choose Desktop & Screen Saver; – In the left pane, hit the + button; – Navigate to the directory where you’ve just saved the Snow Leopard; – Hit Choose; – The vibrant wallpaper should now appear on your desktop.

A few notes about Snow Leopard

At this year’s Worldwide Developers Conference, Apple introduced a more polished-up Snow Leopard, the latest version of the Mac OS originally introduced at last year’s conference. With one year at their disposal, Apple developers were able to enhance all of Leopard’s core features, but also make minor adjustments to optimize performance.

During the WWDC '09 keynote address delivered by Phil Schiller, Apple revealed that it was going to charge only $29.95 for the upgrade to its next-gen OS. Buyers of a Mac or Xserve between June 8 and sometime around September, when the company plans to unleash the new version of Leopard, are eligible for an even cheaper upgrade – $9.95.