Delivering news, reviews, Gamer Diaries and columns

Jan 19, 2015 07:00 GMT  ·  By

This week, the review section of Softpedia Games is delivering long-form evaluations for the following titles: Blackguards 2, Majestic Nights, Never Alone and Great Big War Game.

We also continue to deliver Incoming 2015 articles, which talk about the biggest launches of 2015 and how they might transform the industry.

The Gamer Diaries are running as always, with the most recent ones talking about the way the Waterborne expansion for Tropico 5 is a missed chance for the development team.

The Editorial side of the Games department talks about PlayStation Now and the need for it to become a little cheaper, the great titles that will arrive this year and the tendency for games to be delayed.

The Weekend Reading feature talks about the way 2015 might mark a segmentation between Twitch and Steam Broadcasting and I've also told you how I plan to spend my free time in an EndWeekGame piece.

We also have a full rundown of the most important information that appeared during the past even days.

Highlights of the week

On Monday, the PC requirements for Evolve were revealed and Microsoft changed the monetization rules for video content, while changes were revealed for the Champion system in The Elder Scrolls Online and more details were offered on the combat system in Uncharted 4.

On Tuesday, the full line-up for FIFA 15 Ultimate Team of the Year was revealed and delivered to players and Rockstar confirmed that it was delaying GTA V to March of this year.

At the same time, the closed beta for Heroes of the Storm was detailed via video and Evolve showed off a Season Pass and a Behemoth monster.

On Wednesday, the Havoc DLC for Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare got more details from Sledgehammer, while the Xbox One February update received more info from Microsoft.

Meanwhile, a new track was teased for DriveClub and more details were offered on the Heroes of the Storm beta.

On Thursday, more info but no launch date was offered for Battlefield: Hardline, Dark Souls 2 revealed a new free piece of DLC, a new patch arrived for League of Legends with some major changes, and a new character was revealed for Dead or Alive 5 Last Round.

On Friday, new information about the Halo Universe and its associated lore drops was delivered, and we learned more about the combat system in Skyrforge, arriving on March 24.

The Xbox One managed to sell the most consoles in the United States during December 2014 and a new humble bundle was introduced with brawlers.

On Saturday, info was offered about Watch Dogs 2 and a new hotfix was released for the recently launched patch 2.1.2 for Diablo 3.

A Gamer's Week Images (9 Images)

Gaming time
Havoc comingEvolved future