Game announcement edition

Dec 20, 2009 17:01 GMT  ·  By

The beginning of this week was dominated by the announcement of new titles at the Spike Video Games Awards, with The Force Unleashed 2, Batman: Arkham Asylum 2, the new Call of Duty and a new TRON videogame leading the charge. But there are other piece of news you need to know about, before taking a look at a fresh Weekend Reading article related to the unrealized possibilities of digital distribution and at another EndWeekGame piece. And for speed lovers out there, there is a DiRT 2 review.

On Monday, we talked about how the pricing decision for Halo 3: ODST was not in the hands of developer Bungie and we found out a few more details related to the place that Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2 would have in the canon of the science fiction series.

Tuesday was all about the reveal of a new, very good looking True Crime videogame at the Video Games Awards. In other news, summer might be the season when Gran Turismo 5 finally arrives in the United States.

On Wednesday, Nintendo put out the details for the Wii release schedule for the early part of 2010, while we talked a little about the glitches that Infinity Ward introduced with the 1.06 patch for Modern Warfare 2.

On Thursday, Square Enix and Sony announced that Final Fantasy VIII was set to be released on the PlayStation Network as gamers in the West continue to wait for the thirteenth installment of the series, while Nintendo is said to have registered a new trademark for something called a Zii.

On Friday, I took a first look at Heir to the Throne, the third and probably final expansion for Europa Universalis III, talking about how the new Casus Belli system manages to fundamentally change the pace of the game and we took a look back at the Soldier versus Demoman war in Team Fortress 2.