C&C 4 coming

Jul 11, 2009 12:41 GMT  ·  By

Another week passed and the videogaming world saw at least two big announcements with two classic franchises, Command & Conquer and MechWarrior, getting new games. But these are not the only things that happened these days in the wonderful world of gaming.

Monday, an analyst contended that Grand Theft Auto IV might be getting two more DLC packs, after The Ballad of Gay Tony and The Lost & Damned, as Rockstar and Take Two tried to capitalize on the success of the last year’s release. Meanwhile, Blizzard talked about the changes to the Death Knight in the upcoming 3.2 patch.

BioWare was one of the subjects of Tuesday, with BioWare talking about its plans for the future, including a possible romantic comedy videogame while, shifting gears, the upcoming Need for Speed Shift is said to have levels of driving, akin to difficulty setting in other games, allowing players to customize the experience they get out of the racing title.

Shigeru Miyamoto, the main man behind Nintendo's success, talked about Zelda for the Wii and about the upcoming Super Mario Galaxy 2 on Wednesday, while Valve, now working on Left 4 Dead 2, was thinking about the possibility of releasing a new Counter Strike game.

The long discontinued MechWarrior franchise was announced on Thursday to be getting a reboot, courtesy of Piranha and Smith & Tinker, with a game more focused on one on one mech fighting and a full immersion in the cockpit. During the same day, Activision announced that it would be pushing back the release of Singularity to 2010 because of the impact the release of Modern Warfare 2 would have during fall.

On Friday, MekTek.net revealed that Mechwarrior 4 and all the content released for it would be repackaged and outed for free, following the announcement of the new game in the series. And, speaking of returning series, Electronic Arts confirmed the rumors that a PC-only, DRM-free Command & Conquer 4 complete with Kane and gameplay innovations would be arriving in 2010.