Nov 11, 2010 11:17 GMT  ·  By

YouTube Mobile is enjoying increasing usage, with hundreds of millions of video views reported for for each month, and with a wide range of users accessing YouTube mainly from their mobile phones.

According to a recent survey from YouTube Mobile, 75 percent of users say that they access YouTube primarily via their mobile phones.

At the same time, the said survey unveiled the fact that 70 percent of all YouTube Mobile users access the website at least once a day.

Moreover, the survey unveiled even more details on user's behavior, including the fact that 58 percent of them spend more than 20 minutes per visit to YouTube Mobile, or that 38 percent feel that the mobile YouTube is replacing the desktop version.

“However, these results may not be as surprising when you learn that, according to Nielsen, YouTube Mobile is the #1 video viewing mobile website in the US, with more than 7.1M monthly unique users,” a recent post on YouTube Mobile Blog reads.

This means that not only users, but also advertisers can take advantage of new features on the mobile portal.

“Advertisers can now own 100% share-of-voice on YouTube Mobile ( by purchasing a daily roadblock and owning all available ad impressions for 24 hours. Ads run on the Search, Browse and Home pages of the mobile website.”

According to the said blog post, advertisers, including autos, CPG, entertainment, retail and others, have successfully run roadblocks on YouTube Mobile

It appears that advertisers tend to time their YouTube Mobile Roadblocks to be in line with product launches or sales events, to make a media push.

“Purchasing a roadblock of YouTube Mobile is an excellent complement to campaigns you may be running on YouTube’s desktop as you can reach users as they interact with YouTube from their device of choice,” the said blog post concludes.