One more game for Nokia N-Gage

Aug 29, 2007 12:31 GMT  ·  By

The number of games especially designed to run perfectly on Nokia N-Gage platform seems to get even greater as days go by. "Bounce Boing Voyage" has been added to the increasing list of such applications meant to make the best of Nokia's new gaming platform.

The most interesting aspect about "Bounce Boing Voyage" is that this game has made a transition from 2D to 3D especially for best suiting the N-Gage service. With these new changes, it has the intention of bringing the same amount of entertainment with even better action and stunning graphics.

"It's the age-old-story of ball meets evil hypnotic block, evil hypnotic block hypnotizes ball's friends, ball has to save world", explains Dr Mark Ollila, Director of Technology and Strategy and Head of Games Publishing, Nokia. "But it's not just a great story. Simple controls and beautiful graphics combine to make this a game for everyone", he further added.

The challenge with "Bounce Boing Voyage" is that of guiding a spherical hero through three puzzle-filled lands. Each level has some new surprises to offer, making this game innovative and highly appealing. Its main quality is that of having highly impressive graphics and interesting images.

The landscapes are filled with unique creatures and bring several intense challenges. There are several puzzles to solve and missions to go through. The final goal is the oldest in the gaming history, that of saving the world from the rule of Hypnotoid. This evil character has taken over the world of Pongpingy by hypnotizing all its creatures.

"Bounce Boing Voyage" is incredibly easy to control, as it asks for one-thumb game play. The user also has to master using three different ball forms: Bounce, Rock and Mud ball in order to solve puzzles based on memory and agility.