
Sep 11, 2007 07:41 GMT  ·  By

The one millionth iPhone has just been sold, as Apple officially announced. This happened a bit later than they had hoped, but still makes a record and manages to subscribe this device among the best sold mobile phones until now.

The fact that Apple has managed to reach 1 million sold iPhones is even more impressive if considering the fact that it happened before the decision of lowering its price has been announced. Because of this, there are high chances that even more such devices will be sold in the future, as they have now become accessible to more people than ever before.

The period of time that the Apple has managed to sell this number of handsets is also impressive. "One million iPhones in 74 days-it took almost two years to achieve this milestone with iPod", said Steve Jobs, Apple's CEO. Moreover, "We can't wait to get this revolutionary product into the hands of even more customers this holiday season", he further added. With the new price, they have all the chances of making this possible.

Apple has previously announced that they plan on selling 1 million iPhones by the end of the first full quarter of sales. Still, in January, Steve Jobs, Apple's CEO has announced that they plan on selling 10 million such devices by the end of year 2008. Considering the fact that the largest sales rates are registered in the first few months since the handset's release, they might miss that prediction.

In this context, the recent USD price drop that the iPhone has just registered proves to have its logic. Apple is now making desperate attempts at convincing the remaining people who don't own an iPhone that the device is truly worth it. The handset's release on other markets in Europe, this autumn and Asia, next year, is also expected to bring some surprises on how appreciated Apple's phone will be there too.