'...Gold members are going to get better value out of their Gold membership...'

Apr 5, 2007 15:17 GMT  ·  By

People are generally skeptical about new stuff. That's human nature. The phenomenon is taken to even greater heights when that new thing has a price tag too, and a big one at that. It's the case with Microsoft's Games For Windows Live, in short GFW Live. I really don't know why they didn't decide to include the letter "L" as weLL. Don't they Like it? Anyway, Peter Moore spoke with 1UP on this and, full of confidence as any electronics giant representative, during this interview, the man tries to convince gamers that there are a lot of reasons for which to join the "PC gamer VS Xbox 360 gamer" (and vice versa) program.

This is just a small but significant piece of the interview which I found posted on Kotaku: "Well, don't underestimate achievements. You're right, though. If you're a hardcore PC gamer [...] you have to hang back and have a look. But we are giving you a choice, and we're opening up a world where you get access to the console community. A lot of existing Gold members are going to get better value out of their Gold membership, and I like to think that we'll also grow both Silver and Gold memberships because of the breadth of the device-agnostic gaming experience that we're now providing." Was that supposed to be a convincing speech, 'cause I didn't quite follow?

So then, the whole deal is directed mostly to console gamers. Microsoft's going to hire a door-to-door salesman to get PC gamers enlisted, 'cause this won't convince anyone. Can't say that I'm sorry, I'm a console fan myself, but what exactly will push PC gamers into this? I can't imagine any PC gamer doing this if the service had been for free, and it isn't. So Microsoft shouldn't get their hopes up on this one. Games For Windows seems awfully better without the L now.