Mar 31, 2011 10:01 GMT  ·  By

Apple CEO, Steve Jobs is alive and kicking a full six weeks into the speculative diagnosis dished out by a tabloid in February, when pictures of the Apple boss emerged next to shocking statements from physicians who had never actually examined the man in person.

A story ran by The National Enquirer last month would have Apple fans believe that their favorite CEO was on his death bed, with no more than six weeks to live.

The CEO appeared at a dinner table with U.S. President Barack Obama the next day, and unveiled his company’s latest gadget, the iPad 2, a couple of weeks later.

During the iPad 2 event, Jobs exhibited no visible changes in any aspect of his existence, including his thin appearance which hasn’t changed to the better or worse since 2009.

Yet after announcing his second medical leave of absence in just as many years, physicians quoted by the Enquirer went to speculate that Jobs had no more than six weeks to live.

They made their prognosis solely by looking at some allegedly ‘shocking’ photos of the CEO.

As any respected doctor will tell you, an estimate on how many days a person has to live can only come after a thorough examination of that person, in person.

And while Fortune does well to expose the media outlets who were keen to stick with the Enquirer’s theory, it’s Steve Jobs himself who gave everyone a big slap on the wrist by simply going on with his life.

In fact, the man’s burning wish as he announced his leave was to see some respect for his privacy, if anyone cares to remember.

In return, he assured investors and members of the media that he would “continue as CEO and be involved in major strategic decisions for the company.”